
privacy policy

We value the privacy of our customers. Our policy is to respect your privacy regarding any information we may gather about you while using our website.

Informational database

Our servers may automatically record the standard information supplied by your web browser when you visit our website. The Internet Protocol (IP) address of your computer, the kind and version of your browser, the pages you view, the time and date of your visit, More data, such as how long you spend on each page, could be added.

We might also gather information from the gadget you use to visit our website. The type of device, operating system, unique device identifiers, device settings, and geo-location information may all be included in this data. Your device's settings and software may specifically impact the data we gather. We suggest reading their policies to find out what information your device's manufacturer or software supplier makes available to us.

"We may request your personal information, including your name, email address, social network profiles, and phone number. We will handle your data legally, reasonably, and openly. We only gather and use information about you where there are legitimate legal grounds. The services you use and how you use them will determine which of these bases applies, therefore we only collect and use your information."

Being veggie is being sustainable

It's required to carry out a contract to which you are a party or to act at your request to enter into an agreement to which you are a party (for example, when we provide a service you request from us). It meets a legitimate interest, such as research and development, marketing and promoting our services, or safeguarding our legal rights and interests; your data protection interests do not outweigh that. You permit us to do so for a specific reason whereby we must process your data to abide by a legal requirement. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time you have authorized us to use information about you for a particular purpose (but this will not affect any processing that has already taken place).

We keep personal data only for a short time. While we keep this information, we'll safeguard it using reasonable commercial efforts to guard against loss, theft, and unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use, or alteration. We caution that no electronic communication or storage technique is percent safe and cannot guarantee complete data security. We may keep your personal information if we comply with a legal obligation to safeguard your vital interests, the vital interests of another natural person, or both.

Utilization and gathering of data

Personal data won't be further processed in a way that is incompatible with these goals, but we may collect, keep, use, and disclose information for the following purposes:

To contact and communicate with you; to keep internal records and administer our business; to operate and improve our website, related applications, and related social media platforms; to allow you to personalize or alter your experience on our website; to contact and communicate with you; to contact and share with you; to get and share with you; to send you promotional materials about our products and services and information about third.

Third-party information

The following parties could receive your personal information from us:

Providers of IT services, data storage, hosting, and server services, ad networks, analytics, error loggers, debt collectors, maintenance or problem-solving providers, marketing or advertising providers, professional advisors, and operators of payment systems are examples of third-party service providers that they may use to enable them to offer their services.

Agents or subcontractors who help us provide information, goods, or services to you directly; third parties who assist us in collecting and processing data; and third parties who operate as our agents or subcontractors.

Exchange of data

All locations where we, our partners, affiliates, or third-party service providers maintain facilities are where we store and process the personal data we collect. You agree to the transmission of your personal information to these foreign third parties by giving us that information.

By employing suitable measures, such as industry-accepted standard data protection contracts, binding corporate standards, or other legal mechanisms, we will make sure that any transfer of personal information from countries in the India to countries outside the India is safeguarded.

You understand that third parties in other jurisdictions may not be governed by data protection rules equivalent to those in our authority when we transfer personal information from a non-India nation to another. One of these third parties may act in a way that violates our jurisdiction's data privacy rules, in which case you might lose your right to file a complaint under our jurisdiction's privacy laws.

Your rights and data privacy

By giving us your personal information, you give us permission to collect, retain, use, and disclose it per this privacy statement. If you are under 18, you must have your parent's or legal guardian's permission to access and use the website, and they must have given their consent for you to provide us with your personal information. To the extent permissible by law, you must also warrant to us that you have their permission. You are not required to give us any personal information, but if you choose not to, it might affect how you use this website and the goods and services made available on or through it.

We will safeguard your personal information as this privacy statement outlines if we obtain it from a third party. If a third party provides us with personal information about another person, you hereby guarantee and represent that you have the consent of that person.

You have control over how your personal data is gathered and utilised. You can withdraw your consent at any time if you have already permitted us to use your data for direct marketing purposes by contacting us using the information below. If you ask us to restrict or limit how we process your personal information, we'll let you know how it will affect how you use our website, products, and services.

You are entitled to request information about the specifics of the personal information we keep on you. You have the right to seek a copy of the personal data that we hold about you. We will make every effort to deliver this data in machine-readable formats. Any personal information we may hold on you can be deleted upon your request at any time. You can also ask us to send your information to an additional third party.

Please contact us using the information below if any data we have on you needs to be updated, relevant, and accurate. If any information is discovered to be incorrect, lacking, deceptive, or outdated, we will try to fix it.

Regarding any data breach, we shall abide by all applicable laws. Please get in touch with us using the information below if you think we've broken any applicable data protection laws and want to file a complaint. Make careful to describe the alleged offence in full detail. We will quickly look into your complaint, then get back to you in writing with the findings of our enquiry and the steps we intend to take to address it. You also have the right to contact a regulatory organization or data protection authority about your complaint.


To learn more about you and your activities on our site, "cookies" are used by us. Our website places a small amount of data, known as a biscuit, on your computer and accesses it each time you visit to understand better how you use it. This enables us to deliver content to you by your preferences.

Children's privacy

Our sites are not designed for visitors under 18 and do not specifically target them. When we learn that a user under 18 has shared Personal Data with us, we immediately erase that information. We do not intentionally collect any Personal Data from users under18. Please get in touch with us if you're a parent or legal representative and you know a child under 18 has given us Personal Data. If we learn that a user under 18 has provided us with Personal Data, we will remove it immediately.

Business transfers

We would include data among the assets transferred to any parties who acquire us if we or our assets are acquired, in the unlikely event that we go out of business or file for bankruptcy, or in any other scenario. You understand that such transfers could occur and that any acquirers of ours may keep using your personal information by this policy.

Limitations of our policy

We would include data among the assets transferred to any parties who acquire us if we or our assets are acquired, in the unlikely event that we go out of business or file for bankruptcy, or in any other scenario. You understand that such transfers could occur and that any acquirers of ours may keep using your personal information by this policy.

There may be links on our website to sites outside our control. Please be aware that we have no control over the information on those websites or their privacy policies, and we cannot take responsibility or liability for them.

Modifications to this rule

We reserve the right to update our privacy statement to suit the currently accepted standards. As a viable medium for informing users of changes, our website will be used. Your continued use of this site after any changes to this policy will be taken as acceptance of such changes and our privacy and personal information policies.

We will seek your updated approval if we significantly alter this privacy statement, such as by modifying the legal justification for processing your personal information.

Contact information

Please use the following information to get in touch with Zelasoftinfo if you have any issues regarding this privacy statement: admin@zelasoftinfo.com